A pedicure won’t fix unhealthy toenails, and if yours aren’t growing normally, this may be cause for concern. Learn common reasons your toenails may not be growing and recommended treatment options.
If you’re feeling pain in your toes and often notice broken skin, you may have an ingrown toenail. This is a painful condition marked by toenails that grow outward instead of straight up, which can lead to severe inflammation. In more severe cases, ingrown toenail treatment may require surgery. You should keep your toenails cut reasonably short to help reduce your risk of infection or accumulating bacteria. Signs of toenail infection include discoloration, brittle or hard nails, and foul foot odor.
Improper footwear and injury can cause severe trauma that stops or slows toenail growth and is the most common reason for this issue. Trauma to the feet can occur in many different ways, such as:
– Wearing running shoes that are too small
– Direct impact from dropping heavy items on your foot
– Sudden impact (stubbing your toe)
You can actively work to prevent toenail trauma by wearing thicker socks, wearing proper footwear, and properly icing injuries when they occur.
Poor Nutrition
Your diet can have an impact on your overall nail health, which requires foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Consuming the right nutrients can help you maintain strong, healthy nails. In addition, if you’re prone to dry and brittle toenails, you should follow a consistent moisturizing routine to help restore your nails’ health.
Feel confident wearing sandals all summer by working with the doctors at The Dermatology Clinic in Baton Rouge to restore your toenail health. Whether you’re struggling to treat fungus or simply grow your toenails, we can offer a treatment plan suited to your skin care goals. Request a consultation with our team today to learn more about your treatment options.