Unfortunately, facial hair doesn’t appear only on men. Some women know all too well that hormones can play tricks on your body, causing you to sprout hair around your chin and along your lip line, leaving you feeling self-conscious and less attractive. With cosmetic dermatology, Baton Rouge women can feel more confident in their natural beauty. We can you with provide what you need to help you feel great about the skin you’re in. When it comes to women’s facial hair, don’t spend another day tweezing. Find out how you can get rid of your hair problem once and for all.
Why You Have Facial Hair
The main reason why women get facial hair on their chin, neck, or around their lips is due to an excess of testosterone or a lower level of estrogen. Hormone imbalances can cause women’s facial hair to increase, especially as a woman reaches a menopausal state of her life. Pregnancy and other factors, including some medications, can also make hair growth more apparent.
What We Can Do About It
Your facial hair doesn’t have to be a problem forever. We supply the state-of-the-art techniques in cosmetic dermatology Baton Rouge patients can depend on. Using a Sciton laser on your skin, we pulse light into your hair follicles, which breaks down their stem cells and helps to permanently prevent some hair from growing back and cause the remaining hair to grow back slowly. After eliminating the source of hair, you can expect to see a dramatic reduction of hair on your face. Depending on your case, it usually takes one to three treatments to get the results you want. Most patients will have to continue treatments on a regular basis. We have helped many patients with women’s facial hair get excellent results and smoother, more feminine skin.
Visit us today and see how Sciton laser treatments can give you clearer, more youthful skin. When they want the best in cosmetic dermatology, Baton Rouge patients can rely on our team to help them feel beautiful again.