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Four Skin Care Resolutions for a Healthier 2018

By February 6, 2018May 11th, 2023Acne Treatment, Dermatology, Skin Care

This year, instead of making the same old New Year’s resolutions—like hitting the gym every day or cutting out sweets—consider resolving to improve your skin care habits. Here are our picks for your skin care resolutions.

Commit to Sunscreen

We all know that skin should always be covered with SPF to prevent sun damage, but not very many of us actually put sunscreen on every day. This year, commit to doing better. Wear at least SPF 30 sunscreen each day, and reapply it often if you’re spending much time outside. Non-greasy and sheer formulas are the most lightweight options. For more inspiration, take a look at some of these sun protection products.

Take Off the Makeup!

It’s so easy to get home from a long day of work and crawl into bed without washing your face. We’ve all been there, but it’s so important to remove makeup before bed each night. Wash your face as soon as you get home from work so that you don’t forget later, and consider keeping a pack of makeup removing wipes next to the bed for the nights when you just can’t force yourself to get up. Makeup can trap toxins that cause acne and skin damage, so it’s better to spend the extra five minutes taking your makeup off than to deal with the consequences later.

Switch up the Skin Care Routine

If you aren’t happy with the way your skin looks, then your existing products may not be working for you. Everyone’s skin is different, so avoid products that say they’re for all skin types. Throw away products if you bought them more than two years ago or if they’ve changed consistency, as they may simply be too old. If you’re unsure about your skin care routine, then schedule an appointment with us, as we’re happy to help you find a skin care solution that will better meet your needs.

Get Your Beauty Sleep

There’s a reason they call it beauty sleep—your appearance can really show it when you’re sleep deprived. Your body works overnight to keep you looking and feeling refreshed, so when you don’t sleep, it can’t do its job. This can leave you with puffy eyes and a dull look, so fit in a full seven or eight hours to look and feel your best.

If you’re looking to improve your skin for the new year and need some additional guidance and support, then contact The Dermatology Clinic today in Baton Rouge at (225) 769-7546 or request an appointment with a skin care specialist. Our board-certified dermatologists and trained aestheticians can recommend products and treatments to help you create the perfect skin care plan.