Looking for a treatment that will rejuvenate your skin, smooth out lines and scars, and leave you with a glowing complexion? Microdermabrasion is a restorative skin procedure that can be done over a lunch break. By peeling away dead cells and infusing nourishing chemicals, this popular process heals, hydrates, and freshens your skin. As the area’s top cosmetic dermatologist, Baton Rouge residents can visit our clinic for expert microdermabrasion treatment. Let’s take a look at two microdermabrasion techniques and the specific conditions they can help resolve.
Dermaplaning is a gentle, safe method for removing dead cells and vellum hair (the medical term for “peach fuzz”) from a targeted area. To perform Dermaplaning, an aesthetician uses a scalpel to whisk away these unwanted elements. By clearing away debris, the scalpel’s light strokes make the area more receptive to the nutrients in skin care products recommended by your cosmetic dermatologist. Baton Rouge residents should consider Dermaplaning if they struggle with dry or rough skin that is sensitive to chemical treatment. It also helps cover mild acne scarring, or small lines and wrinkles. The procedure resolves these dermatological conditions, leaving you with a smooth, glowing complexion.
Dermaglide treatments involve a few more steps than Dermaplaning. An aesthetician applies an all-natural sodium bicarbonate solution to the patient’s skin. This compound safely cleans and restores skin by pulling dead cells up and out of pores. The solution works into the targeted area over a 30-minute period, cleansing and hydrating the area and smoothing the skin. Dermaglide helps patients with fine scars, wrinkles, crow’s feet and smoker’s lines. It’s also great for wrinkles and scarring on the neck, back, and decolletage.
Your skin deserves a compassionate cosmetic dermatologist. Baton Rouge patients can rely on our clinic to perform microdermabrasion treatments that are right for your skin. We’re eager to help you improve your complexion with our affordable, simple skin care solutions.