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How Noninvasive Fat Removal Like CoolSculpting Works

By May 7, 2019May 11th, 2023Fat reduction

Despite giving their best efforts with diet and exercise, sometimes it can seem impossible to remove stubborn fat. Noninvasive fat removal methods like CoolSculpting can target and eliminate fat cells without damaging the skin or surrounding tissue. Here’s how it works.

The Principles of CoolSculpting

Developed on principles discovered by Harvard scientists, CoolSculpting can be a precise and effective way to specifically target and destroy fat cells. Using controlled cooling technology and a principle called cryolipolysis, CoolSculpting aims to crystalize (or freeze) fat cells, which then die. The body then naturally eliminates these dead fat cells, which can result in a reduction of stubborn fat. A 2009 study published by the National Institute of Health revealed that cryolipolysis can reduce the treated fat layer by up to 25 percent.

What Treatment Entails

To begin CoolSculpting treatment, patients can discuss with our licensed dermatologists which area of their body they would like to have addressed. Many patients opt to treat multiple parts, including their thighs, lower back, stomach, and sides. Each body part may take roughly an hour for our technicians to treat, and larger body parts may also require additional treatments. After treatment, patients can begin to see fat loss results within three months after the frozen, dead fat cells leave the body. Because cryolipolysis treatment is noninvasive and nonsurgical, it normally requires no recovery time.

When to Consider CoolSculpting

Unlike some types of invasive weight loss surgery, cryolipolysis treatment is not a solution for obesity. It is more appropriate for removing small amounts of extra fat that are difficult to remove through other lifestyle changes. Although CoolSculpting aims to kill fat cells, it is possible to gain fat back in the treated areas, so it’s important to commit to healthy changes after treatment.

Noninvasive fat removal like CoolSculpting and Vanquish have been proven to be safe and effective for patients of many demographics. If you’re interested in addressing body fat with CoolSculpting, read about our cosmetic dermatology treatments or schedule an appointment with The Dermatology Clinic by calling us at (225) 769-7546 today.